2. Comparison of chlorophyll data from different sensors
This tutorial will showcase the use of the rerddap
package, which was developed to make it easier to interact with ERDDAP servers from R.
More information about the package can be found here:
and here: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rerddap/vignettes/Using_rerddap.html
As an example, we are going to plot time-series of mean chlorophyll a concentration from various sensors from 1997 to 2018 to look at the periods of overlap. We are going to download data from Seawifs (1997-2010), MODIS (2002-present) and VIIRS (2012-present) and compare it to the ESA-CCI data which combines all 3 sensors into a homogeneous time-series.
Load packages:
First we define the longitude-latitude boundaries of the box:
Next we define the URL of the ERDDAP we will be using:
Get monthly seawifs data, which starts in 1997.
Go to ERDDAP to find the name of the dataset for monthly SeaWIFS data: sw_chla_monthly_2018_0
You should always examine the dataset in ERDDAP to check the date range, names of the variables and dataset ID, to make sure your griddap
calls are correct:
First we need to know what our variable is called:
dataInfo <- rerddap::info('sw_chla_monthly_2018_0', url=ERDDAP_Node)
[1] "chlor_a" "palette"
We are interested in the chlor_a
variable, which contains the values of chlorophyll-a concentration.
This is var[1]
is a function from the rerddap
package. It grabs the data from ERDDAP based on the parameters we give it.
We are grabbing a lot of data so all the griddap
commands might take a while.
sw <- griddap(url=ERDDAP_Node, 'sw_chla_monthly_2018_0', time = c('1997-12-01', '2010-12-01'), latitude = ycoord, longitude = xcoord, fields = var[1] )
Spatially average all the data within the box
swAVG <- ddply( sw$data, .(time), function(x) mean(x$chlor_a, na.rm =TRUE) )
Get monthly MODIS data, which starts in 2002.
dataInfo <- rerddap::info('aqua_chla_monthly_2018_0', url=ERDDAP_Node)
MOD <- griddap(url=ERDDAP_Node, 'aqua_chla_monthly_2018_0', time = c('2002-07-16', '2018-12-16'), latitude = ycoord, longitude = xcoord, fields = var[1])
Spatially average all the data within the box:
MODAVG <- ddply( MOD$data, .(time), function(x) mean(x$chlor_a, na.rm =TRUE) )
Get monthly VIIRS data, which starts in 2012.
dataInfo <- rerddap::info('noaa_snpp_chla_monthly', url=ERDDAP_Node)
VIIRS <- griddap(url=ERDDAP_Node, 'noaa_snpp_chla_monthly', time = c('2012-01-02', '2018-12-01'), latitude = ycoord, longitude = xcoord, fields = var)
Spatially average all the data within the box:
VIIRSAVG <- ddply( VIIRS$data, .(time), function(x) mean(x$chlor_a, na.rm =TRUE) )
Get OC-CCI data (September 1997 to Dec 2018)
dataInfo <- rerddap::info('esa-cci-chla-monthly-v4-2', url=ERDDAP_Node)
CCI <- griddap(url=ERDDAP_Node, 'esa-cci-chla-monthly-v4-2', time = c('1997-09-04', '2018-12-01'), latitude = ycoord, longitude = xcoord, fields = var[1] )
Spatially average all the data within the box:
CCIAVG <- ddply( CCI$data, .(time), function(x) mean(x$chlor_a, na.rm =TRUE) )
Plot time series result
plot(as.Date(swAVG$time), swAVG$V1, type='l', col=2,lwd=2, xlab="", xlim=as.Date(c("1997-12-01","2018-12-01")), ylim=c(0.035,0.10), ylab="CHL")
points(as.Date(swAVG$time), swAVG$V1,pch=20,col=2)
lines(as.Date(MODAVG$time), MODAVG$V1, col=4, lwd=2)
points(as.Date(MODAVG$time), MODAVG$V1,pch=20,col=4)
lines(as.Date(VIIRSAVG$time), VIIRSAVG$V1, col=3, lwd=2)
points(as.Date(VIIRSAVG$time), VIIRSAVG$V1,pch=20,col=3)
You can see that the values of chl-a concentration don't match between sensors.
Make another plot with CCI as well to compare
plot(as.Date(swAVG$time), swAVG$V1, type='n', col=2,lwd=2, xlab="", xlim=as.Date(c("1997-12-01","2018-12-01")), ylim=c(0.035,0.10), ylab="CHL")
points(as.Date(swAVG$time), swAVG$V1,pch=20,col=2)
points(as.Date(MODAVG$time), MODAVG$V1,pch=20,col=4)
points(as.Date(VIIRSAVG$time), VIIRSAVG$V1,pch=20,col=3)
legend('bottomleft',legend=c('sw','mod','viirs','cci'), cex=0.6,col=c(2,4,3,1),pch=c(20,20,20,NA),lty=c(NA,NA,NA,1),lwd=2)
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